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Friday, August 1, 2008

Raise the Mark Michael-Nixon Style

Hey gang!

We had an incredible summer at kamp! (as you can see), but are excited to be back at home to experience what God has in store for us this year in Dallas.

Well, preparations have been made, and we are getting closer to the big day, so I decided to post some information about the "Raise the Mark"-style prayer meeting we will be having in the Michael's backyard before the surgery as well as the important dates and info you would want and need.

Prayer and Worship
Tuesday, August 5th at 7:30pm in the Michael's Backyard
Everyone welcome!
2820 Stanford Avenue, 75225

Transplant Scheduled:
Thursday, August 7th at 9:00am, Children's Medical Hospital in Dallas (Ryan's Recovery and Station Holding will be at Parkland, just across the street)
Many of you have asked about coming and visiting Ryan later in the day after his surgery. Thank you so much for your love and support! We are not sure yet whether or not Ryan will be feeling up to visitors, so just give me a call later in the day (214) 906-9710 if you want to come and visit! Thanks!

We have also set up an online food bank. We are a tiny little family of 2, so we aren't going to be needing a whole lot of meals! We have been told, however, to accept gifts and happys. So, if you have something you want to give, here is a list of things Ryan might enjoy in the upcoming weeks of boredom...I mean recovery!
List of Happy Helpings:
-Great movies
-Good Books - We'd love for you to bring over/ share your favorite book you read this past year. We are always looking for new books!
-Magazines - Outdoor stuff, Adventure, People, Us Weekly (ok, that is for Callie), Travel & Leisure
-Healthy snacks, fruit, etc.
-Skits performed bedside. (Sophie Macfarlan will coordinate).
-Mow/water the lawn (It's scary)
-add some gorgeous landscaping because we have none (just kidding)

**Please visit the website below to sign up for meals... You might have to copy and paste it because I'm not yet "Blog-Savvy" and it won't let me paste a URL. Thanks again friends!
Meal Sign-up:

**Visit Ryan Michael's Blog
The password is transplant

We'll keep you updated!
"And now to Him who is able to do abundantly more than we ask or imagine..."
-Ryan and Callie

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