The super cute Michael's fam praying together at the
Tuesday night prayer meeting.
The 2 Ryan's!!
Hi Sweet Family!
Greetings, and praise God for his mighty work! Thank you all so very much for your prayers over the past days and weeks. Ryan and I, and I'm sure the Michaels as well, have literally felt carried by them.
We have had an eventful few days! And I'm so excited to say, that tomorrow morning, we'll be heading home to the familiar Nixon house. Today has been an incredible day of recovering for Ryan. His vitals have remained steady, we've had plenty of precious visitors, and his sweet heart has been tired, but happy. The doctor wanted to make sure he got up and walked around at least 4 times today, and don't worry, by 10am, he had already been up and walking around 6 times! So for his good behavior, we got to wheel him over to the ICU at Children's and go visit Ryan M. for awhile. The nurse taking care of him said that she has never in her 8 years at Children's seen a kidney transplant go this well!
So praise God for his mighty acts!
On another note, when we went to the ICU, we got to see Lauren (sister in Chi Omega at A&M) and Matt Larsen for a little bit. I had heard about their newborns complications, but had no idea that they were in Children's Hospital. Their 8 day old daughter, Life Lucia, has been battling for her life. Wednesday, she took a turn for the positive, and the doctors who at first gave her a very slim chance to live are now hopeful. Lauren and Matt are exhausted but incredible. Keep them in your prayers as well as their little baby girl.
We love you all so very much!
See you at home!
Ryan & Callie (- 1 kidney...) :)
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! It is amazing how many lives are being touched in this process. I praise God for your faithfulness! Blessings to you both!
Dori and Gary Overman
This is great news! Can't wait to hear more of the ins and outs of this incredible story.
Praise God...glad to hear the good news! You, Callie and Michael have been in my you guys!
just saw your blog link on the Holmes Blog. WOW Callie, I knew you married a special one, but am blown away at reading about your gift Ryan! (Truly moved to tears). I hadn't heard, but am so thankful everything went smoothly.
I will bookmark your blog and look forward to keeping up with you through it. Call if you ever head down here to Austin! Would love to see you!!
Hi Ryan!
We are so excited for you to be home! You are a hero to all of us and a blessing to little Ryan! Danny and the K-Life boys cannot wait to see you. We hope your recovery is swift!
The Gouskos Family
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