Waiting for Baby Boy!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Watching Davey Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Watching Evie Leigh Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nursery Preview Part 2

Hello friends and fam,

At the risk of 'not wanting to disturb you,' I happily remember that:
a.) just because I'm writing this post during one of my lovely periods of 'wakefulness' does not mean that's when you actually have to read it and

b.) You only have to read and enjoy if you want to. I think i worry that i could actually FORCE my little blog into people's inboxes and lives. I have only to remember how much I enjoy blog-stalking others, and my hesitancy runs far away. :)

SO! That pontificating and philosophizing out of the way, I'm happy to report that we are moving right along in the nursery. Really thanks to my hubbin. If it were up to me, I would walk in there, get overwhelmed, collapse into a heap on the floor, and bawl my eyes out thinking about what an awful mother I'll be. (LOVE hormones. Love 'em.) Pour Mr. Ryan has gotten quite used to the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome that at times is known to take over my normally completely lovely personality as of late.

But alas, he tarries on, like a good soldier, and works with me through my crazy to get amazing things done. Honey buns, if you ever read this blog, know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are my hero. You are going to be a ridiculously awesome and patient daddy. Your wifey will ring the banner of your goodness for many moons to come. :)

Well, anyone who knows ANYTHING about nurseries (or furniture period) knows it ALL begins with IKEA. Below are some action shots of the mister putting together that crazy european 'pictures only in the directions' furniture.

Be patient, be patient.... the dresser willlllll get fininshed.
Ladies, don't stumble. That' MY backside. And yes, he is INSIDE the dresser.
Our mascot Kenna Loo Pants is ever on the ready to help when called...
And of course I had to take a break b/c the kankles were ginorm. Yes, that's an indentation caused BY A SOCK. For the love.

THEN, the coup de grace. You guessed it - POTTERY BARN. The crib had arrived!!! Side shout out to Pappy and Gigi for their incredible generosity with our adorable crib! And Mema and Archie for the mattress! So blessed by fam. Mister Honey Bear got right on the assembly while I, his trusty side kick, well, took pictures. :)
...and then got distracted by how VERY many preggie books I have accumulated over the last 9 mos (this pick doesn't even show HALF).

Flash forward a few weeks through Stephanie Sewell's AMAZING wedding, Gigi's AWESOME 60th surprise party, and a wonderfully relaxing vacay at Horesehoe Bay with the whole Nixon fam (all of which deserve their own posts...but sigh, alas, anon), and we have made serious progress. I'll leave you with a few pics of Stephanie's wedding as well as a teaser on the current state of the nursery (looking MUCH better). Pics of Gigi's party and Horseshoe Bay will have to be saved for the next sleepless awakening period. And finally, also coming in the next post, a very special prayer request list for you to join with us in praying for baby, should you be so inclined... :)

Me with the DAZZLING bride. Steph, you were gorgeous.
With sister Melly-Poo. ALSO looked amazing. Love the side-sweep hair bunny thing.
Not only did I get to do music with 3 of my FAV people, but we ALSO got to sing in Perkins Chapel on SMU campus. Acoustics were A-Ma-Zing.
Reception at Belo Mansion, done by DFW Events, and you KNOW they do allllll that crazy junk up right. They even did a special write-up on her wedding on their blog!

And, for the nursery teasers....
Peek-a-boo Lilo Cat!
And the coolest antique rocking chair I found in College Station over Risa's wedding weekend! Loves it! more to come next time...

Big Mamma Belly Out!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

35 Weeks.

Oh Holy New Potatoes Batman.

35 weeks along = 35 DAYS LEFT.

List of things one can do in 35 days:
- Grow a pimple, and see it through its cycle.
- Have a lady cycle
- Lose 10 pounds (so I hear)
- develop a habit
- ruin a good habit

- Finish growing a baby.

Things I am afraid won't happen in 35 days:
- The nursery is a skeleton. I will not finish it.
- My mama is out of the state and it feels like she is never coming home.
- Be ready to push a baby out of maself.
- NOT lose 10 pounds.
- Hopefully not GAIN 10 pounds.

Oh baby pants, I feel you crowding up in there, getting ever bigger, and, in not knowing where to place your foot, seeing that the ONLY proper place for it is in between my ribs. I really can't wait to meet you. I am washing your clothes and sheets so you won't get itchy. Your daddy is putting together your strollers. I now regard sleep as an amenity. I never knew I could make such ginormous ankles look so incredibly sexy.

Can't wait to meet you little pumpkin.

On a side note, just finished Sarah's Key for book club. (Yes, I'm in a book club) Worth it to read. Go pick it up.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Lil' Nursery Preview for yo Bootay.

Heyo! Happy Post-4th of July!

Calpal, back for another 12:19am sleepless installment of bloggyness time. This time? Some nursery previews! (And garage apartment remodel) Well, a touch, anyhoo. Below, see a compilation of 'colors' if you will. The paint tags mixed with fabric swatches that will color the room and make up the HOT-mazing bumper my momma is gonna make. YES she is Suzy-homemaker. NO I did not get that gene. Yes I'm tore up about it.
Basically the colors are teal, chocolate brown, white and cream. And yes, we STILL don't know what we are having. We were asked today by some dear friends if we were still SURE (7.5 weeks out) that we were going to be surprised. They just wanted to make sure we didn't make it all this way just to go and find out early and keep the world in the dark about it. :)

So, one thing I haven't shared is that our upstairs underwent a little bit of a makeover. (Sorry, Apartment Son David, you did not get to reap the benefits of this - mostly so Pappy and Gigi will come stay with us when the baby is born!)

Ryan and I got to play with tile for the new bathroom!

Fresh coat of paint and brand new sliding mirror doors! Snazzy! (Hot photog.)

Here is what the furniture looked like 'in process'

And we finally dry-walled the garage! No more Hot pink stuffing! (or what is that stuff called? insullation? who even knows.)
And the bestest happiest helper in the whole world!!!

Love that pup.

And finally, a few amazing decor pics of the Dallas "Baby Dinner Party" some of my sweet friends threw me. The decorations were adorable...Lindsey Sheppard is a rare talent. Though I still don't think I've figured out how to spell her last name correctly. See below!

Makes me excited! Thank you Lord for amazing friends!

More nursery pics to come!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

SYTYCD: I am Yours Forever.

Unkay. Did anyone see SYTYCD on Tuesday of this week? O. Ma. Gowrsh.

Last night was one of the most freakishly awesome dances I’ve ever seen. Alex Wong is a BALLET dancer and he just krunked this thang out like it was a part of his little mini-asian ballet-ness. A-MA-ZING. I loved loved loved it. Check it out here.

Also, I know I said that i would NEVER do a belly pic....BUT if you remember, I think I may have drawn the line at a BARE belly pic. Well, so we sent this picture to our SWEET awesome friend Lindsay Todd (who is coming home to us so soon!). and technically, the sign gave a partial belly-cover. Sooo, I'm posting a partial sign-covered belly-pic. :) Don't get excited, now - this ain't gonna be a common occurence. But enjoy my large belly and puffy face to yer heart's delight.

(Paper says come home soon Aunite linds. So presh).

Ok folks! Happy 4th! I'm off to sing in my 5th wedding in a row - starting to get a little hard to breathe, I'm not gonna lie. But this will be the last before baby comes, and it will be SOOOO awesome because I ADORE this bride. Very near and Dear to my heart.
