Waiting for Baby Boy!

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Watching Davey Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Watching Evie Leigh Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Calpal Up-All-Night Nursery Preview Pt 3

Hello Lovely World,

I've decided that I'm just going to think of my up-lates as prep for my life to live someday in Italy (and obviously be a parent, you are not original, I've already heard it like 56.2 times). I mean, 2:45am here is 9:45am there, so I figure I'm just getting used to it. :) Also, I'm quite sure Lilo Kitty the super cat has been feeling neglected lately, and this way we can bond while I sit in the office chair and she plays with my robe tie dangling from the seat. It's a win-win.

Speaking of win-win, I know it's already in my blog list, but this blog gets me so jazzed, it needed an individual shout-out. Ms. Emily prob has no idea how much i heart her/blog stalk her, but go be encouraged by the letters she writes everyday to her cute husband.

And, as promised, a few pics from Gigi's surprise party in Austin and our little mini-vacay to Horseshoe Bay.
Joseph, you pick amazing cakes and that was SO Gigi. Glad you didn't go to HEB. :)

Ryan, Jeff & Joseph
Creepy Uncle Josh :) (who has never been creepy a day in his life, but just happens to REALLY look that way with little Ella in this pic). Please note she is loving every minute.

Below - maybe one of the cutest things ever - Ella & Bella sing-a-long time.

The whole fam.

The ladies in orange. :O) Ella and Auntie Boo.
Riley AKA Mr. Cool - and yes, Cars the movie was on repeat all weekend. I love this little pooka shell!

And lastly, before the latest nursery preview, I'll give you the latest "pregnancy funnies:"
  1. My doctor I visited last week looked at my swollen kankles (which I know they have a fan club), giggled, and said, "Oh yah baby girl, you probably have 2 pounds of fluid IN EACH LEG." I mean seriously. When else in your life will someone be able to say THAT to you!?!?!?!
  2. The tips of my three middle fingers on my right hand are numb. Yes, numb.
  3. I have renamed my 'strong woman' persona to the native indian "boohooashem," which translates, "she who cries alot."
  4. I am sustaining the life of a whole person. This is so stinking awesome. At first my guess was it is a girl, but lately I'm feeling boy. Who even knows - have you gotten your vote in yet? :)

And finally, as promised, 'next phase' nursery pics. It's coming along! The bumper should be finished and in tomorrow! Will update with pics soon.

Mr. Man is an awesome curtain-hanger. Knew that Engineering Degree was going to work for SOMETHING. :)

Can't really tell, but they are double layered with white below and dark chocolately brown on top.

We had to figure out a way to get rid of the 'busy book shelf' look. Curtains to the rescue!

Basically gave us another wall. I love how it turned out.
Dear Pottery Barn, I love you and your overly expensive baby items. Love, Callie.
Dear IKEA & Antique shop in College station, I love you because you make me feel better about my Pottery Barn choices. It's a wash, right? Right? Crickets....
Little sheddy poo pie Kenna is not allowed in the newly carpeted nursery at the moment. I mean chocolate brown IS a color, just not on the carpet, at least not yet. :)

Love to you all! Adieu until the next installment!!


Katherine said...

I love it! I'm so happy to hear baby Nixon is coming along well!

Jenny said...

Cal Pal... love the nursery- looks amazing :) Can't wait to come see it in real life when I am home next week! Great blogging. Love the plan to live in Italy. We should move back to via Ghibellina probably and "live in community" there :)

Karen Rector said...

Your nursery is going to be so darling! I can't wait to see who you fill it with!! You need to come meet Eleanor... it will make your heart oh so ready for yours!!! Thank you for calling and checking on us... that made my day!