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Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Day I Got Scared.

Yesterday my little girl blacked out. We're talking eyes roll back, slump over in my arms kind of black out.

I've heard this can happen.
But it does NOT prepare you for when it does.

My little pumpkin has a tendency to cry...rather, well.... passionately. (No clue where she gets it.)
You know the hard kind of cry that gets really quiet? That's the scary one. She came around after a few seconds, and of COURSE I did every wrong thing in the book. I shook her, kept saying her name over and over, and was otherwise pretty much paralyzed in my fear.  So of course when I stopped bawling/freaking out/having a crying fit of my own, we went home and like any good mom I promptly 'researched.' (aka 'googled') the symptoms.  I found some other moms in an old forum who had exprierenced the same thing.  They had better terminology so I looked up more on it here.  Davey didn't so much 'hold' her breath as just not really 'take' a breath. :)  Pretty amazing that passing out is God's way of helping the kiddo out. Once they pass out they start breathing - then come around. Wallah. So much easier said than experienced.

Moral of the story: He has numbered my days. He has numbered the days of my child. My husband. My parents. My friends.  Life is but a breath, and thank you Lord for using this small little thing to remind me that every moment is a gift.  So many times our attitudes reflect 'God, why is this happening to me?' Oh He is so full of grace that we get any moments at all!

Life in every breath.

"So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

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