Waiting for Baby Boy!

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Next Steps - Part 1

So last week my dad...er..boss :) wrote this email out to our company employees:

I knew this day was coming but I have to admit I am still in denial :)
I wanted to email you all and let you know that Callie is going to be transitioning her role at Macfarlan. Being a mom and adding to her covey has won out over her commitments to MCP. AND RIGHTLY SO…I NEED MORE GRANDBABIES! While she will be phasing out of consistent office hours, we look forward to engaging her particular gifts on special projects that will arise from time to time. Going forward she will likely be retained on a project by project consulting relationship with MCP & TMR. We are still in the process of brainstorming all of the areas where she might be deployed, but I wanted to let you all know so that if you have needs that would fit her skill set, don’t hesitate to let me, Todd, Greg or Mac know. Callie will continue to come into the office on Thursdays throughout October as we complete the development and migration of the website, and from there will contribute on an as needed basis to special projects as the arise. She will also be around to help finalize the transition of her current responsibilities.
We are thankful for her time here as a full-time and part-time employee, and are excited to continue that relationship in this new role.
In the back and forth-ness of email writing preparing to send out the above, through the coarse I wrote this to him:

Yours is so much better. :) I love u dad. It has been one of the great privileges of my life to watch you 'discipline yourself for the purpose of Godliness' in nearly every facet of your life: as a husband, a father, brother, son, elder, and boss. You remain consistent and steadfast amidst each one. Would that every daughter would get the privilege to work for a man and dad like you.

I'm sad but excited about this new phase of life. Glad you'll still be a huge part of it.

The reason for re-living this is two fold:
ONE - to honor a particularly increidble man who I have gotten to watch live life particulary well. My dad has been the champion of our family. Few women get to see their parental units live so victoriously in so many areas of life.
TWO - To self-disclose the ending of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Hint - it has to do with babies. I'll update the rest in Part 2!

1 comment:

catherine said...

You just be preggers again