Waiting for Baby Boy!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Watching Davey Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Watching Evie Leigh Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dallas Morning News!

Hey Friends! You might have already seen it, but Ryan and Ryan's story was in the Dallas Morning News yesterday morning! It made it! I have to admit, I was really skeptical of the whole thing. God's good. The story was off in some of it's facts, but on the whole I believe that God was glorified. Thank you for being friends who help us complete the circle! As people ask you about this awesome miracle, continue to 'complete' the Ryan's story by sharing of the grace and hope found in Christ. We are His messengers.

Pretty cool, huh? Park Cities People is set to run the story on Friday. Will keep you updated.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it. Proverbs 3:27

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's a great day to be alive

God is awesome and He provides sweet opportunities to use us as we strive to make Him more famous.

Park Cities People and Dallas Morning News - 2 publications printed and circulated here in the Dallas area. I will admit, the first thing I think of when I think of People is really high-brow hob-nobby-type parties that people dress up for and love to attend because they get their picture taken and get to say, "Hey, that's me in that picture-don't I look hot." Dallas Morning News makes me think of Cowboys coverage. LOTS and LOTS of Cowboys coverage.

Until about 21 hours ago.

Never would I have thought that these two publications employ amazing journalists, believers, interested in following and capturing stories of hope, love, and and perhaps even the supernatural.

Now I do. I might. Well, I could.

My Ryan and Scott Michael got interviewed last night and this morning by writers (awesome believers) about what life does to someone when they decide either to give a kidney away, or willingly accept one from someone else. I think they are learning - a LOT happens! After two 1-hour meetings over coffee and honest conversation, hopefully some encouraging pieces about how people can truly act, outside of their own flesh, when they decide to lean on Jesus Christ and allow Him to make them into something they could never be on their own, or without his example..."sacrificingly selfless." Hopefully the stories run, and hopefully God gets some serious glory. Until then, check your paper, and trust God with hard stuff.

Soli Deo Gloria, Daddy, Soli Deo Gloria.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sleepyness & Church

Look who went to church today! Himself! (I've started calling the patient 'himself'). Todd talked about how he gets when he is under anesthesia. Whew! It was so funny! I think how Todd described himself is how I will be. (Fingers crossed for no 'C' section!) Ryan is a little lamb-chop, however, and other than being quieter than normal, and getting mad at the nurse who couldn't seem to get an IV in him, he's just a little pumpkin.

Callie took a little "mental health day* today thanks in part to Carrie Green. (I love this woman). I now have beautiful toe nails and fingernails, and am ready to serve my hubby again instead of just 'really wanting to get out of the house...'

Callie starts work again tomorrow! This has been a great week of healing for my man. Thank you to all who have prayed!

On the Ryan Michael side of things, he got to come home Friday night. He is in significant pain, but I'm sure so stinkin' glad to be home. We go to dinner at the Michael's on Tuesday night. The family reunites again! :)

Love love, Callie

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sleepy Tom

keep praying friends-

Ry got no sleep last night. We think the pain meds make him constipated. Hence, he promptly decided to get off the pain meds. :)

I go to work Monday. If you want to come bug him, send him a text message, I suspect he might get lonely. :)

:) Love,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ryan isn't feeling so hot today. His wounds are healing daily, but he is continually frustrated that he sleeps until 10am, wakes up, eats breakfast, and reads his bible, and then has to lay down again. My big strong boy is not used to feeling weak! Today, join with me as we pray:
-For him to listen to his body
-Not get down about feeling weak- to understand that we need to give his body time to rest.
-To feel the support of incredible friends and family!

Love you all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Outing!

Reppin' K-Kauai!
" Oww~ My Kidney hurts!!" - Ryan Michael
Showing off the battle wounds.
Here is a picture from Ryan's first outing. :) We got to go visit little Ryan at the hospital. What a difference a few days makes! Ryan was playing Madden on his xBox, and bouncing around the hospital room. CLEARLY ready to go home! Let's keep praying for the Michaels-- they were told by the surgeon that they were probably going to get to go home, only to be told by the nephrologist that he wasn't ready to let them go without stabilizing Ryan's ant-rejection meds. He's feeling so much better, and ready to sleep in his own bed. Scott and Sally have been taking turns staying with him up at the hospital. That takes a toll on your body, so Lord we lift them up to you as we rely on your to give them strength and sweet rest. "When I lie down, I will sleep in peace, for you alone oh Lord make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8
Thanks for being good, God.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweet Moments with Bonding Men

Ryan and Ryan bonding the day after surgery in the Children's ICU.
Work on that lung capacity!
Maybe the most precious moment I've ever seen. Ryan and Ryan calming each other amidst pain killers, steroids, and emotions.

Post Surgery Pics

I decided to post a few pics of after surgery as well. Be warned! They are real and vulnerable. A very swollen, very doped up husband as he recovers in the recovery room (which they finally let me in after I pitched a fit outside...) :)
So swollen! An incredibly loving and supportive mother, brother, and sister-in-law - post Callie hearing that everything went well in the surgery. Oh, to breathe again...
Our team of Urologists, Residents, and Med Students making the post-surgery rounds.
Sweet sister Mel, brings Sprinkles cupcakes and an encouraging (easy) hug.
August 8th, 2008 - 1 day after surgery. Happy Birthday, Callie! What an incredible birthday! A safe healthy husband, and the Coach purse doesn't hurt...

It was a wonderful day, and an incredible experience. God is exquisite. His attention to detail is undeniable.

To serving Him another day,

Callie & Ryan

On the Home Front

Hi Friends!!
So sorry that I haven't posted in a few days... I am so thankful you all are here and wanting to know how things are going! Here are a few pictures up from the hospital the day and night before the surgery. The whole family was there to support! Callie's mom and dad, Ryan's mom and dad and sister Melissa.
I have hence learned the value (and terrible nature) of Magnesium Citrate (aka "Clean you out Poop Juice") Ryan could be the poster boy for a Mag Cit Commercial!
Ryan in the panty hose! These are worn to help your blood from clotting. Ryan decided it would be better to have a fashion show with them... :)
The 2 patients the night before the surgery! Can you tell "Little Ryan" is excited!?!?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sweet Homecoming!

 The super cute Michael's fam praying together at the 
Tuesday night prayer meeting.

The 2 Ryan's!!
Hi Sweet Family!
Greetings, and praise God for his mighty work! Thank you all so very much for your prayers over the past days and weeks.  Ryan and I, and I'm sure the Michaels as well, have literally felt carried by them.  

We have had an eventful few days! And I'm so excited to say, that tomorrow morning, we'll be heading home to the familiar Nixon house.  Today has been an incredible day of recovering for Ryan.  His vitals have remained steady, we've had plenty of precious visitors, and his sweet heart has been tired, but happy.  The doctor wanted to make sure he got up and walked around at least 4 times today, and don't worry, by 10am, he had already been up and walking around 6 times! So for his good behavior, we got to wheel him over to the ICU at Children's and go visit Ryan M. for awhile. The nurse taking care of him said that she has never in her 8 years at Children's seen a kidney transplant go this well!

So praise God for his mighty acts!

On another note, when we went to the ICU, we got to see Lauren (sister in Chi Omega at A&M) and Matt Larsen for a little bit.  I had heard about their newborns complications, but had no idea that they were in Children's Hospital.  Their 8 day old daughter, Life Lucia, has been battling for her life.   Wednesday, she took a turn for the positive, and the doctors who at first gave her a very slim chance to live are now hopeful. Lauren and Matt are exhausted but incredible. Keep them in your prayers as well as their little baby girl.  

We love you all so very much!
See you at home!
Ryan & Callie (- 1 kidney...) :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hello Precious Friends and Prayer Warriors -
After a long day, the Ryan's are both out of surgery! They both went in around 9:30am this morning, and Ryan Nixon came out around 12:45pm to recovery, with Ryan Michael following about an hour or so behind.

Friends, I cannot describe to you the majestic and incredible ways of our God! Dr. Cadedeau performed the surgery on my Ryan, and Dr. Klimptmalm did and incredible job with Ryan Michael. 

Ryan is groggy, dopey, and in and out now in our little Recovery Room on the 7th floor of Parkland Hospital.  We have a great team of nurses (who put up with a lioness of a wife asking questions at all hours of the day).  Most everything is a 'go' now, but I will list below a few specific prayer requests for the following days and weeks:

-PRAISE! Thank you Lord for 2 successful surgeries!
-That the Ryans would heal perfectly and quickly
-That RM would accept RN's kidney (weeks 2-6 post-surgery are critical prayer times)
-That neither Ryan would experience infection of post-surgery complications
-For strength and rest during long hospital nights. :)

"Friends, we love you and rejoice because of you..  "for this reason, brothers, in all our distress and affliction, we have been comforted about you through your faith.  For now we really live, since you are standing fast in the Lord.  What thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy we have because of you?"
From 1 Thessalonians 3:7-9.  What an incredible blessing!
We would love to have visitors as we head back home, so starting Monday, BRING IT ON to the Nixon house!

Much Love, and with a thankful heart,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ready to Ride!

Hey Gang!

We are all ready and set for the big day! Tonight's prayer meeting at the Michael's house was more incredible than we could have ever dreamed of! Around 90 people all gathered over at the Michael's backyard to lift their voices up in prayer to the Lord. God, you have been so magnified! That's what is so amazing about you - you, in your grace, let US be a part of your plan! What's more, you don't only bless those immediatley involved, you bless everyone who touches your plan.

Tomorrow we head into the hospital at 9:30am for one last blood check up, and then we 'officially' check in at 3:30pm. I'll probably be signing off from now until sometime later on the 7th. I'll try and let everyone know how the surgery went! Thank you again for your prayers!

"But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. " -Psalm 33:11

We love you all!
Ryan and Callie

Friday, August 1, 2008

Raise the Mark Michael-Nixon Style

Hey gang!

We had an incredible summer at kamp! (as you can see), but are excited to be back at home to experience what God has in store for us this year in Dallas.

Well, preparations have been made, and we are getting closer to the big day, so I decided to post some information about the "Raise the Mark"-style prayer meeting we will be having in the Michael's backyard before the surgery as well as the important dates and info you would want and need.

Prayer and Worship
Tuesday, August 5th at 7:30pm in the Michael's Backyard
Everyone welcome!
2820 Stanford Avenue, 75225

Transplant Scheduled:
Thursday, August 7th at 9:00am, Children's Medical Hospital in Dallas (Ryan's Recovery and Station Holding will be at Parkland, just across the street)
Many of you have asked about coming and visiting Ryan later in the day after his surgery. Thank you so much for your love and support! We are not sure yet whether or not Ryan will be feeling up to visitors, so just give me a call later in the day (214) 906-9710 if you want to come and visit! Thanks!

We have also set up an online food bank. We are a tiny little family of 2, so we aren't going to be needing a whole lot of meals! We have been told, however, to accept gifts and happys. So, if you have something you want to give, here is a list of things Ryan might enjoy in the upcoming weeks of boredom...I mean recovery!
List of Happy Helpings:
-Great movies
-Good Books - We'd love for you to bring over/ share your favorite book you read this past year. We are always looking for new books!
-Magazines - Outdoor stuff, Adventure, People, Us Weekly (ok, that is for Callie), Travel & Leisure
-Healthy snacks, fruit, etc.
-Skits performed bedside. (Sophie Macfarlan will coordinate).
-Mow/water the lawn (It's scary)
-add some gorgeous landscaping because we have none (just kidding)

**Please visit the website below to sign up for meals... You might have to copy and paste it because I'm not yet "Blog-Savvy" and it won't let me paste a URL. Thanks again friends!
Meal Sign-up:

**Visit Ryan Michael's Blog
The password is transplant

We'll keep you updated!
"And now to Him who is able to do abundantly more than we ask or imagine..."
-Ryan and Callie