Hey Friends! You might have already seen it, but Ryan and Ryan's story was in the Dallas Morning News yesterday morning! It made it! I have to admit, I was really skeptical of the whole thing. God's good. The story was off in some of it's facts, but on the whole I believe that God was glorified. Thank you for being friends who help us complete the circle! As people ask you about this awesome miracle, continue to 'complete' the Ryan's story by sharing of the grace and hope found in Christ. We are His messengers.
Also, D!Magazine mentioned his story in their blog:
Also, D!Magazine mentioned his story in their blog:
Pretty cool, huh? Park Cities People is set to run the story on Friday. Will keep you updated.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it. Proverbs 3:27